Saturday, October 1, 2011

Greetings from Miss Morleysaurus

Herrroooo people's, just thought I'd drop a quick hello to everyone and to say how honored I am to be Monty's guest blogger of the month!  And the month of October no less!  As a Scottish chickadee, we don't celebrate Halloween as much as you guys in the States and Canada, something which I am always aiming to change with my friends.  For me, Halloween is every day, I just wish I could get pumpkins everyday! :)

Anyhoo, as a hard core horror nerd I hope to introduce you all to some of my favourite horror films...some you will know, others not so much!  If you want to check out my own blog you can find it at Musings of a Morleysaurus.  So yes, hello, hello, hello and Happy Month of October!  *insert picture of my dog looking less than impressed at being a Witchy Westie*  <3


Irene Palfy said...

Nice pic, Jennifer! Looking soo forward for this.. Have a great time!

GreyC said...

hmmm .....the lack of pumkinage is because pumpkins are ALL allergic to sea air and the smell of smokies...and of course the shockingly high caravan charges found on Scotlands east coast!

morleysaurus said...

*ROFLMAO* to above comment! Who is this? And true on every point! :) And thanks Irene! :D Can't wait to entertain your further! x