Monday, March 11, 2013

Can you believe I haven't been to the movies in 2013 yet?

I usually average seeing about a good 20 movies a year. Between films with my wife, friends, and co-workers that has been the amount for the past 10 or so years. Before then I was averaging nearly 30 movies, with my best being 36 movies seen back in 1992. So what is going on now? I mean the offerings have been kinda slim, but there were still some ones I wanted to check out. But between work and being sick with a severe cold/sore throat and recently a stomach bug, just haven't had the time. That will soon change. This month comes two action flicks that I am keen on seeing..the Die Hard in the White House flick, Olympus Has Fallen with Gerard Butler and the sequel, GI Joe 2. Both seem like major check your brain at the door popcorn flicks. So I think that will end my current slump. And then the first weekend in April is already circled on my calendar for the awesomely looking Evil Dead. Oh yeah! And then before you know it the big guns of summer will be unleashed..Iron Man 3, Star Trek: Into Darkness, The Man Of Steel, among others.
Come on back the world of movies!

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