Monday, March 26, 2012

Film Review: THE LAST BOY SCOUT (1991)

Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans with Danielle Harris looking for some bad guys

The last of the kick ass action flicks from the early 90's. It seems action films today have been watered down and loaded up with too much CGI that make you appeciate films like this one even more. Last Boy Scout has it all: tough guy hero, bloody and violent action scenes, despicable bad guys, some hot babes running around, the sidekick who holds his own, and loads of humor. Bruce is excellent as the burnt out private detective Joe Hallenbeck. He teams up with ex-quarterback Jimmy Dix (Damon Wayans) to solve the murder of Jimmy's girl, a young Halle Berry. This leads to a gambling conspiracy that reaches very far. Bruce and Damon make one of the best teams in action films ever. They rough up bad guys and dispense with one liners galore. They definetly don't make them like this anymore and it makes me quite sad. Thank god for DVD and cable. And in case you wondering, Boy Scout still holds up today. Better than some of the so called action films being made today.

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