Thursday, August 25, 2011

Action Movie For The Day: THE UNTOUCHABLES (1987) is a modern classic

In honor of Sir Sean Connery's birthday today, I am watching some of his films. Started with Goldfinger, his best outing as James Bond and now continuing with the 1987 film The Untouchables, which is one of the best movies ever made. Federal agent Elliot Ness (a young and eager Kevin Costner) is tasked to bring in crime boss Al Capone (an awesome Robert DeNiro) in 1920's Chicago. Joining Ness's task force are Andy Garcia, Charles Martin Smith and Sean Connery as tough Irish cop Jimmy Malone. Connery is terrific as the wily veteran and he deservedly won an Oscar as Best Supporting Actor. Costner is no slouch himself as the naive Ness, who gains experience from Malone. Of course DeNiro is just a powerhouse as Capone. The Untouchables is an exciting film with several thrilling scenes including the famous shoot-out at the train station. Also features a magnificent music score by the legendary Ennio Morricone. One of the surprise films of 1987 and one of my all time favorites.

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