Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Diane Kruger and Happy 200th post for me! A Double Celebration!

The timing couldn't have been better as my star of the month, Diane Kruger celebrates her birthday today and I hit my 200th post on here. Wow! I couldn't have planned it any better. Here are some pics of the lovely Ms. Kruger in honor of her birthday. One of the best exports Germany ever had. And in case there are the few people in the world who don't know who Diane, she is best known as playing Helen in Troy and co-starring with Nicolas Cage in the National Treasure films. Plus she was in Quentin Tarantino's last film, Inglorious Bastereds.

I actually love this pic the most because Diane is looking so serene,  a little sad but still nice...

That's right boys..snap away

Don't hate me because I'm so beautiful

Oh my hair is such a mess..what shall I do with it?

Whoa...where did that wind come from?

So beautiful!

Diane with her serious look on...

What a gorgeous black and white pic..

That's it everybody...I would like to say thanks to Monty for such a wonderful birthday tribute and to
Irene...girl give me a we can do lunch or something.

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